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The last three aircraft of the F-16 alienation
program to Romania were delivered on
September 27at a ceremonyheldatMonteReal
Air Base No. 5 in the presence of the Secretary
of State forNational DefenseMarcos Perestrello,
and the Secretary of State for Defense of the
Republic of Romania, Mircea Dusa.
Also present at the ceremony were the Air
Force Chief of Staff , General Manuel Teixeira
Rolo, the Chief of Staff of the Romanian Air
Force , General Laurian Anastasof, the Air
Commander, Lieutenant General Joaquim
Borrego, as well as numerous high military
and civilian entities.
It is recalled that the governments of
Portugal and Romania agreed to the sale of
twelve F-16MLUaircraft toequip theRomanian
Air Force inSeptember 2013. Thefirst six aircraft
were delivered on September 28, 2016 by the
PrimeMinister, AntónioCosta, accompaniedby
theMinister ofNational Defense, AzeredoLopes,
and the Romanian counterpart Mihnea Ioan
With the transfer of the last three aircraft,
a process has been completed requiring the
conversion of the F-16s to the Romanian
version, in a rigorousmodernization program,
inspections and maintenance actions. These
works were conducted by the Portuguese Air
Force, which has also been training nine pilots
and about 80 technicians in the areas of
maintenance, operations and logistics.
As part of this process, the National
Aeronautical Authority issued “Aircraft
Registration Certificates” and “Airworthiness
Certificates for Exports” for F-16 FightingFalcon
aircraft transferred from Portugal to Romania.
In this way, the registrations in the national
military aeronautical register, as well as all the
certificates and licenses previously issued for
the aircraft with Portuguese tail number were
F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft transferred from Portugal to Romania
Un detașament portughez format din aproximativ 100 de militari (piloți și personal
tehnic) și patru aeronave F-16 Fighting Falcon, din cadrul Bazei Aeriene 5Monte Real, a fost
dislocat, la sfârșitul lunii septembrie a.c., la Baza 86 Aeriană Borcea.
Militarii portughezi vor executamisiuni încomun, împreunăcuundetașament românesc,
pentru următoarele două luni.
Misiunile desfășurate au ca scop antrenarea militarilor celor două detașamente, într-o
concepție unitară, pentru îndeplinirea cerințelor specifice de interoperabilitate ale Alianței
Nord-Atlantice și creșterea nivelului de cooperare cu aliații.
Misiuni n comun
cu Fora Area Portuguesa